The New Normal
Opening comes with some new habits and routines that will prioritize social distancing wherever possible, these new routines will be part of our “new normal” in order to keep everyone safe. Coronavirus transmission requires a number of things to be just right. By inserting a few small changes in our ‘new normal’ means we can come together where the novel coronavirus can’t.

Your Pre-screen
When you book, you will receive our pre-appointment screening questionnaire online and we ask that you complete it prior to your visits. If you are unable to do it online, please call us and we will be happy to help. Our physios will be doing it every day themselves. In the old days, many people felt they had to be pretty ill to “call in sick”. That has changed. Staff and clients are encouraged to stay home if they are feeling unwell. We can easily reschedule a cancelled appointment, and the usual cancellation fee will be waived. And we can always just make it a virtual physio session at the scheduled time.

Coming In For The Appointment
Bring a mask to wear in the clinic. Therapists and clients will be wearing masks. Please bring your own. We have a limited number available for clients who forget (we get it) or haven’t stocked up yet.
We ask that you come to physio alone, unless you’re a minor or require physical assistance.
Arrive as close to your appointment time as possible to minimize any time spent with other clients. We’ll have fewer clinic chairs to help reinforce distancing measures.
Sanitize your hands when you arrive at Midtown. Once sanitized, your therapist will direct you to a private treatment room, we’ll quickly run through the screening, and then it’s physio.
After your appointment, book your next appointment directly with your physio. We’re trying to do contactless payments, and emailing receipts. We can also mail receipts if you prefer, let us know!
Our Commitment to Clean
Rest assured that we have built in extra time between clients, both to limit the number of people in the clinic and to allow sufficient time to disinfect treatment rooms in between clients. This is always our standard practice, however, we are going to step things up a notch to keep everyone safe.